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1. You and your partner Jake arrive on scene of a soccer game where a man has possibly dislocated his knee. When you make patient contact there is obvious displacement of the lower leg and he has no distal pulses. What should you do?

2. Signs and symptoms of concussion include all of the following except:

3. Dispatch has called you to the scene of a U.S. mail truck that slid out of control on a dirt road and rolled over. Bystanders reported the truck has caught on fire and the driver is outside the truck trying to gather the dumped mail. As you arrive on scene the fire department is just getting the fire out and the driver of the truck is standing back watching the smoldering mess. You should:

4. Your patient is a 41 year old female who was found lying prone in the kitchen. She does not appear to be conscious and there is a pool of saliva next to her head. You and your partner log roll her into a supine position while maintaining c-spine stabilization. Just as you get the woman rolled over her husband tells you that she has a previous history of heart attacks. What would be the most appropriate course of action to take next?

5. Signs and symptoms of Cushing's phenomenon include all of the following except: 

6. Of the following, where shouldn't attention be focused during secondary assessment of the arms? 

7. Unique airway management and ventilation considerations for pregnant patients involved in trauma include all of the following except:

8. Rapid breathing is first seen in what stage of shock?

9. You and your partner Grimes are called to the scene of a stabbing. There are two patients reported. A woman with a stab wound to the URQ and a man with a stab wound to the LRQ. The woman with the wound in the URQ is having problems breathing, has a pulse of 103, respirations of 35, and they are shallow. The patient with the stab wound to the LRQ is complaining of severe abdominal pain and has a pulse of 48 and a respiration rate of 24. Which patient is most likely to have a low blood pressure? Why?

10. Your patient has suffered a chainsaw vs. leg injury. His wife who is a nurse tells dispatch that he has lost about 400 mL of blood. You know that a person can lose approximately___________ before they are in any real danger.