New Jersey EMT Training, Examinations and Courses for NREMT Certification

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Applicants for EMT-B licensure in New Jersey will be required to pass the 120 hour DOT course curriculum and then The National Registry of EMT's practical examination and computer based exam. EMT-B under the Department of Transportations guidelines are the same as the old EMT-A designation in New Jersey. The state moved to using the NREMT certification as bases for its own state EMT certification. The state has provided a page on their website to answer many common questions about the transition from the state certification to the one from the DOT based curriculum and NREMT certification.

Getting prepared for the NREMT practical examination will take repetition of the skills that you should have been learning in your EMT training course. Several hours of hands on practice over multiple sessions will give you the skills necessary to pass the practical exam. You must be prepared to pass any of the possible NREMT skill stations, but only about 6 will actually be set up for you. The NREMT written exam (which is now computer based rather than paper and pencil) is much the same way. You must get the repetition in with questions similar to those that appear on the test. It is for this reason that EMT National Training has developed the practice EMT test study application on this site. You can test your knowledge at the same time you learn and reenforce the information you need to pass the NREMT. Each EMT or Paramedic question comes complete with a rationale giving you the answers AND reasons why it is correct.

New Jersey Office of Emergency Medical Services
Mailing Only:
PO Box 360
Trenton, New Jersey 08625

Located at:
NJ Department of Health and Senior Services Office of EMS
50 E. State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08608
(609) 633-7777